You know how kids and families can't travel as much at the moment. Well, they can still learn about different cultures and countries through the Elly Rose Adventures. In fact, the Elly Rose Adventures has been read by over 2000 children at home and in schools across the world since being published.
We create educational fiction for children and caregivers who want to learn about different cultures and countries. We enable everyday families, who are no longer able to travel to embrace the culture of other countries through the colourful adventures of Elly Rose and her secret travelling companion, Miss Marmalade.
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Elly Rose, with her messy red hair and quirky dresses, loves exploring outdoors. She is excited to visit her Nana in far north Queensland, and soon discovers how different the lifestyle is, from the hustle and bustle of Sydney. She learns about culture and lifestyle and embraces the new culture. A story about adventure and the bond shared between a girl and her Nana.
One girl and her Nana, what a beautiful adventure.
ISBN: 978-0-6480513-0-5
A picture book for young adventurers aged 2-9years (approx 800 words)
Suitable for older reluctant readers, as images have many layers.
Soft Cover Fiction
Themes; Travel, Grandparent, adventure